
Series Highlight: Dream World & Daydreaming - S. J. Hitchcock

Book 1:  Dream World
I spot my mother’s car approaching me. I see her wave, and smile as our eyes lock. Then as if in slow motion, the most horrific scene plays out before my eyes. The van switches lanes once again, right into my mother’s path. The look on her face as she steps on the brakes shows SHE HAS REALIZED it’s too late, the car plows into the van as such speed she had no time to react. I watch in horror as my mother flies forward. I close my eyes, and crumble to the floor, shielding my eyes, not wanting to see the scene continue to play out. Hearing metal on metal as screams fill the air, it’s only then I realize it is me who is screaming.
My name is Debbie Conway, I am thirteen years old and FROM the day I witnessed my mother’s death I could think of little else. To ease my pain, I spent more time in my dream world, in the arms of Joshua Lawson, the guy from the poster above my bed, and staring in my favorite TV show, Victor.

Meet my best friend, Wendy, former best friend and school bully, Karen, and a boy who will confuse my love for Joshua Lawson, Mark Hobson. A new student from America, WHOSE accent alone sends shivers up and down my spine.

Book 1 link:

Book 2:  Daydreaming
My life has been turned upside down since I WITNESSED my mother's death nine months ago. To ESCAPE the reality of the accident, I would slip into my dream world to be with Joshua Lawson, the star from my favorite T.V show, Victor. Then it all CHANGED, when Mark Hobson joined our school. 

Wendy, my best friend was sure he liked me, and I liked him, but would we ever be in a relationship? I doubted it, when every girl in the school DROOLED over him. 

Book 2 Link:

After finishing high school and then training to work with children, Sarah started her first job. She currently works as a pre-school teacher.

Sarah has four children, and three dogs, and a partner who has to put up with her rambling on about all her WIP’s.

She recalls spending hours thinking about her characters and their story-lines. To this day, she often falls asleep thinking about where she can take new and old characters.



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