This week was full of staggard on my results. The entire week was sort of crazy at work. It wasn't a bad week, just a busy one; the kind of weeks that leave you mentally drained. It's funny how your daily life effects your work out, and for some people working is a stress reliever, and I believe this to be true all around after the work out is completed, but for me having a long day means a sluggish workout. So here are the highlights of my workouts:
Tuesday: Squats are tough on a normal day on a normal day, but Tuesday they were just not happening for me. So I didn't even go up in weight at all. My goal this week was to be doing 125 all week. 125x5 is my current personal best so far, an I'm looking to get to 135 already so I can put the "big girl" weights on the bar (the 45lb'ders). That did not happen! However, my benchpress is really starting move up. 85lbs is pretty good number for me right now, and I fully expect to be able to get 85x5 ths week. My Deadlift was not good, but that makes sense because my squats were off as well.
Thursday: Squats felt better! I should have went ahead and moved up to 125, but I had it in my mind to stay with the 120, but given the number of backoff sets I completed, 125 was not out of the question. I broke the barrior on Strict Press (Military Press is what it's called in that Fitlist App), and finally got 65x5. Here's hoping to get to pushing 70lbs this week.
Saturday: Saturday the squats went excellently, and I got my 125 x 5 goal...though it felt like it was going to kill me (Have I mentioned I'm not a huge fan of squats?) Push press is moving on up as well, but my deadlifts. I'm so dissapointed about those deadlifts, but I couldn't get 195 off the ground on Saturday, and when I dropped the weight to 185, either my confidence was down or I was just so tired that I couldn't budge it either.
This week's Goals: I will likely keep squatting up to 125, and hope I can add more volume to my backoff sets after hitting it. I want to see my bench move up to 85x5, and my presses move up to the next 5lbs. And I REALLY, REALLY want to see my Deadlift back at 195x5. I'm really disappointed with my results on the deadlift this week!
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