
Review Policy

****UPDATED August 21, 2015 - I have slowed down reading due just life in general - My kids are pre-teens and require a little more time, and I am also training to compete in power lifting in December - which is also time consuming.  At this time I'm just not able to accept Review requests.  However, if you would like me to promote your book on my blog and social network pages, please feel free to contact me!****

The page in which I explain my posts and review policy and list my contact information.

Contact Me:
To request reviews or if you have questions in general, you can email me at
I can also be found at the following places:

What I Prefer:
While I'll consider anything, I prefer clean books, Adult, New Adult, Young Adult, Romance, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Dystopian

Review Format:

Title:  Where I list the title of the book - and generally have it hyperlinked to the amazon buy link.
Author: The Author of the book
Synopsis from Goodreads:   I copy the synopsis from Goodreads because the synopsis is written, I do not need to rewrite it, but it seems weird to NOT have a synopsis in my blog.

My Review:  Hmm..well, this is where I put my review

Rated:  Pretend I just watched this book as a movie - did it include cussing, violence, sex?  I will give it a movie rating (PG-13) and list why I gave this rating.  
Genre: Usually this will be the main genre (Young Adult, New Adult, Adult) and a sub-genre (romance, Sci-fi) 
Rating:  Rating 1- 5 with 5 being the best.  Bascially what I have listed on Goodreads or Amazon

Review Policy:
Time is a precious commodity for me.  I am married, have three kids and work a full-time job.   I will not accept every book that I'm offered; not because I think you're a bad writer - it could be that something is going on in my life that would make it difficult to keep a deadline, therefore I do not want to make the commitment at the time.  As it is, I don't review every single book I read.  I will list that they were read on Goodreads, and probably rate it, but I read somewhere between 90-100 books a year and 'ain't nobody got time' for all of that.  BUT here's my promise, if you offer your book to me for a review and I accept it, I will review the book, and post it to as many of the links above (and that I can/remember (I tend to forget about, but I'm getting better), I will also link the author when I can.  If for some reason I do not like the book, I will probably still write and post the review to my blog and possibly Goodreads, because of my promise - but my hope is that as an author, the review will be received as constructive criticism.  I have no reason to tear anyone down for the sake of it - I want to help, and if that means you need help with editing, or maybe there were too many loose ends, I hope you receive that in the spirit it is intended, and not as a blatant slap.  I understand that a book is a labor of love, and the last thing I want to do is be discouraging.

I will NOT accept money for a review.  I will accept gifted books that were not requested, but that leaves me no obligation to review.  I will enter giveaways (even for $5 gift cards) and don't believe that counts as being paid.

SPECIAL NOTE: My kids read as well, and are participating in reviews (Search: Kidz Korner), they are willing to take on reviews as well, however they request actual books over ebooks, as none of them prefer to read on their tablets.  Keep in mind that if you request a child to review a book, the review is going to be written by a child.

Books must be age appropriate:  Elijah - 11, Azalyah 10, Abigail - 8.  And they will be previewed by me before they will be allowed to read them.